Astrology with Govinda

For the Soul.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
Albert Einstein

High Octave Resonance Astrology.

High Octave Resonance Astrology – HORA – is a unique extension in the development of astrology by Govinda.The Signs, Planets and Houses all are multidimensional and they vibrate at many different frequencies simultaneously – from lower, denser, mundane levels to higher, lighter enlightened levels. HORA is the higher vibration of each Sign, Planet and House. The astrological readings by Govinda utilize the full range of the vibrational spectrum to reveal your unique place in the universe

Every natal chart has all twelve Zodiacal Signs within it. The energies of all Signs are always expressing through us. The Signs color the energies expressing through the Planets and Houses. In accordance with the Universal Law of Vibration each sign vibrates within a certain range of frequencies. We choose the frequency that we resonate with and express, which determines how each sign expresses and affects our experiences of life.

There are different levels of expressions known as Octaves of Resonation. As we express ourselves, the Universal Law of Attraction draws experieces of like vibrations into our life. There are the immature, mundane, mature and ultimately divine HORA octaves of resonation. As we evolve spiritually our soul’s evolution is enhanced and we natuarly rise to higher octaves of resonance expressions. These higher octaves help us to rise to a higher, intuitive perception where we can discover and implement solutions to our problems.

A Brief History of


Since the dawn of history, humans have gazed up at the night skies in wonder, and in that great wonder they began to see in the heavenly bodies, patterns of movement and change. Recording the changes enabled them to see a larger and more meaningful picture of the universe. According to researchers, early evidence of this practice have appeared as markings on bones and cave walls that show lunar cycles as early as 25,000 years ago.

This was not only the birth of civilization as we know it, but also the birth of the astrological sciences that greatly influenced our religions and cultures for the following millennia.

Some of the oldest known references to astrology, such as the Venus Tablet of Ammisaduga, have been discovered to be written more than 2000 years before Christ. Electional Astrology, or the art of predicting the best time for an event to take place to achieve the best result, also appeared in writings from that time period.

The Babylonians of that time incorporated a more systematic astrology into their culture and by the 16th century BC, there appeared a work known as the Enuma Anu Enlil. The compilation was comprised of more than 70 cuneiform tablets and outlined some 7,000 celestial omens that were used to predict weather and mundane political matters.

Astrology matured as the centuries passed with Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and Islamic regions contributing to its development. During the early dark ages in Medieval Europe, Astrology was suppressed by the church only to emerge by the 13th century as an integral part of the practice of medicine. By the end of the 1500s, physicians across Europe were required by law to calculate the position of the Moon before carrying out complicated medical procedures, such as surgery or bleeding.

During the Renaissance many great men who are now known as the fathers of modern science were astrologers. Johannes Kepler, Galileo Galilei and Tycho Brahe were all practicing astrologers during the time they discovered numerous principles of the physical universe.

In modern psychology, psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung used astrology as a diagnostic tool in his psychotherapy practice. “Obviously, astrology has much to offer psychology, but what the latter can offer its elder sister is less evident. So far as I judge, it would seem to me advantageous for astrology to take the existence of psychology into account, above all the psychology of the personality and of the unconscious.” – Carl G. Jung

With the birth and progression of modern science, astrology was abandoned by the main stream scientists and evolved on its own to be what we know it is today. One recent historian of science explained “. . .In the final analysis it was only itself: a unique divinatory and prognostic art embodying centuries of accreted methodology and tradition.”



The Zodiacal Belt

The Zodiacal Belt is a group of stars in an 18 degree wide band that surrounds our galaxy. All planets, Sun and Moon appear to orbit around the Earth within this belt. “As Above, So Below.”

Each astrological Sign has many levels of potential expression. When we choose to express the Golden High Octave Resonance Astrology of the signs, we increase our personal happiness and enhance our soul’s evolution. With each sign, there is an affirmation to help activate the high resonance expression of that sign. If you know your rising sign and Moon sign, you may apply these affirmations to enhance those expressions as well.


Affirmation: "I visualize and share visions of Heaven on Earth."

February 19 - March 20


Mutable, Water.

The higher frequency Pisces feels and expresses compassion for all beings, visualizes Heaven on Earth and shares this vision with others. Less evolved Pisces is moody, secretive, non-committal and lives in denial of reality.

Where the Sign of Pisces is in your natal chart is where you tend to be a visionary, compassionate and mystical.



Affirmation: "I am a spiritual warrior. I initiate actions that serve the highest good for all concerned."

March 21 – April 19


Cardinal, Fire.

The higher frequency expresses leadership for the higher good of all concerned and creates new beginnings with divine inspiration. The less evolved vibrational resonance is self centered, demanding, controlling, impatient, impulsive and rash. Where Aries expresses in your natal chart shows where you are a warrior and a natural leader with fresh and original ways of expressing yourself.

When you direct your warrior spirit in service to the evolution of humanity, you will originate new directions and creations that empower divine good. You will be an inspiration to others, who may naturally want to follow and or support your lead. It is important to express from innocence – be childlike and spontaneous.



Affirmation: "I create functional and beautiful structures that serve love. I use my resources to serve spirit. I artfully and practically serve the goodness of life. I create practical beautiful structures that complement and serve the Earth and the evolution of humanity."

April 20 – May 20


Fixed, Earth.

The higher frequency shares their resources to serve the highest good of all and helps others with self-worth. The less evolved expression is resistant to new ideas and change, and is absorbed in selfish desires and attachments to their possessions and money.

Where Taurus is in your natal chart shows where you are a down to Earth, practical, creative and gentle being. Positive results come through your gentle persistence and creations in accordance with your accurate sense of practical value and natural beauty. In this area of life, you create solid, functional structures artfully.



Affirmation: "I create functional and beautiful structures that serve love. I use my resources to serve spirit. I artfully and practically serve the goodness of life. I create practical beautiful structures that complement and serve the Earth and the evolution of humanity."

April 20 – May 20


Fixed, Earth.

The higher frequency shares their resources to serve the highest good of all and helps others with self-worth. The less evolved expression is resistant to new ideas and change, and is absorbed in selfish desires and attachments to their possessions and money.

Where Taurus is in your natal chart shows where you are a down to Earth, practical, creative and gentle being. Positive results come through your gentle persistence and creations in accordance with your accurate sense of practical value and natural beauty. In this area of life, you create solid, functional structures artfully.



Affirmation: "I am a positive thinker. I look for and teach the highest good. I bridge people with information in service to divine love and truth. I share wisdom that serves the univeral energy."

May 21 – June 21


Mutable, Air.

The higher frequency ponders the positive perspectives and possibilities of all experiences and teaches ways to serve the divine. The less evolved plays mind games, is ruled by their intellectual mind, and accepts only what seems rational. The area of your natal chart where this sign is shows where you are mentally active and agile and have strong mind power.

You are a natural teacher in this area of life and you are a bridge for people and information. You have a restless nature and a gift for social and educational processes. When you train your mind to understand, focus on and share the highest truth; you will accelerate your spiritual evolution.



Affirmation: "I nurture the divine in all beings. I embrace all people as members of my human family."

June 22–July 22


Cardinal, Water.

The higher frequency creates a sense of family with others; they nurture the divine within themselves and in others. The area of your natal chart where this sign is shows where you are a very sensitive and a natural parent. The less evolved get so caught up in their emotions that they lose their ability to be functional. They tend to dwell on the past; they are limited by their feelings of vulnerability and create a psychic wall around themselves that keeps people at a distance.

It is important to come out of your protective shell and comfort others. Your natural sense of family and home and your ability to nurture are your strengths. It is good to help others feel as though they are a part of your family – for indeed they are, since we are all children of God. Meditate on the Divine Mother, as she emulates the higher octave resonance of Cancer energies.



Affirmation: "I create beauty, balance and fairness through my ability and willingness to embrace all sides of situations and to express in harmony with others."

September 23–October 23


Cardinal, Air.

The higher frequency recognizes the value of the reflections they see of themselves in others. The less evolved becomes codependent and gives their power away to others. They look for and see the divine in others and they find their perfect balance through a committed relationship with their own higher self.

Where Libra is in your natal chart shows where you have a natural ability to express harmony, beauty, art, fairness and balance. It shows where you benefit through partnerships with others.



Affirmation: "I am joyfully serving the higher good of others in functional and logical ways through my attention to detail."

August 23–September 22


Mutable, Earth.

The higher frequency sees perfection in all things and overcomes shyness by serving others with their practical, organizational ability and attention to details. The less evolved is extremely critical (especially of self) and obsesses on unimportant details.

Where Virgo is in your natal chart shows where you can be of great service to others through your laser-like attention to details and your ability to express yourself in practical, logical and functional ways.



Affirmation: "I am joyfully serving the higher good of others in functional and logical ways through my attention to detail."

August 23–September 22


Mutable, Earth.

The higher frequency sees perfection in all things and overcomes shyness by serving others with their practical, organizational ability and attention to details. The less evolved is extremely critical (especially of self) and obsesses on unimportant details.

Where Virgo is in your natal chart shows where you can be of great service to others through your laser-like attention to details and your ability to express yourself in practical, logical and functional ways.



Affirmation: "I transmute and heal myself and others through the power of my awareness of and willingness to express deeper spiritual wisdom."

October 24–November 21


Fixed, Water.

The higher frequency Scorpio focuses on their desire to know God – which transforms their ego into a channel for healing energy and divine knowing. The less evolved are controlled and limited by their desires, passions and jealousy.

Where the Sign of Scorpio is in your natal chart shows where you recognize and feel the deeper meanings and essence of all experiences, and cause powerful transformations.



Affirmation: "I see and share optimistic philosophical truth."

November 22–December 21


Mutable, Fire.

The higher frequency inspires and liberates themselves and others by expressing optimism and expanding divine truth. The less evolved expresses as a restless, independent, philosophical know-it-all with grandiose schemes.

Where this sign is in your natal chart is where you naturally create good fortune through your ability to see and express the optimistic point of view. This is where you bring philosophical wisdom and expand to greater possibilities.



Affirmation: "I understand and express information that serves the evolution of humanity and Earth."

January 20–February 18


Fixed, Air.

Higher frequency serves the evolution of humanity and Earth through their personal knowledge and mental abilities. Less evolved is intellectually egotistical and idiosyncratic to the point of alienating others.

Where Aquarius is in your natal chart shows where you are unique, independent, unconventional, ahead of your time in your understanding and are naturally able to serve the evolution of humanity.



Affirmation: "I focus on and express divine wisdom with practicality and integrity, and create structures that serve the higher good for all."

December 22–January 19


Cardinal, Earth.

The higher frequency Capricorn uses their experiences and practicality to master the law of cause and effect and to serve divine good with integrity. Less evolved Capricorn controls people and circumstances to achieve prestige and power for him or herself. Where Capricorn is in your natal chart is where you are naturally focused, serious, cautious, pragmatic, grounded, masterful and authoritative. It shows where you are learning great lessons and mastery of the law of cause and effect.



Affirmation: "I see and share optimistic philosophical truth."

November 22–December 21


Mutable, Fire.

The higher frequency inspires and liberates themselves and others by expressing optimism and expanding divine truth. The less evolved expresses as a restless, independent, philosophical know-it-all with grandiose schemes.

Where this sign is in your natal chart is where you naturally create good fortune through your ability to see and express the optimistic point of view. This is where you bring philosophical wisdom and expand to greater possibilities.



Affirmation: "I am a playful leader of the heart. I entertain the child in all. I encourage others to have courage. I encourage others to own their power. I am a radiant example of a courageous son (Sun) of God."

July 23–August 22


Fixed, Fire.

The higher frequency is a warm-hearted leader for divine will and serves the inner child of all beings. The less evolved makes willful demands of others for selfish gain and is caught up in their vanity.

Where Leo is in your natal chart shows where you have charisma and exude a warm-hearted childlike nature that inspires others. Your strong will and leadership combined with natural charm and playfulness is your strength. Your loyalty and dramatic, creative flair for expressing what you believe puts you ahead of the crowd. Being a living example of a courageous leader inspires others.


Praise & Gratitude.
