Full SuperMoon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces Sun in Virgo
We are experiencing profound planetary alignments with this Full Moon!
25 degrees, 40 minutes
Tuesday, September 17, 2024
7:34 pm (PDT)
As you may already know, we are entering the eclipse season. Eclipses are often intuitively felt about a month before they occur and will continue to be felt for six months afterwards.
A partial Lunar Eclipse will occur at 25 degrees Pisces on September 17-18 (depending on where you live). This is the first eclipse on the Virgo/Pisces axis, giving us a taste of the next several years, highlighting personal habits and triggering emotional wellbeing.
During the Full Moon Lunar eclipse, your emotions will be heightened as the eclipse shines a spotlight on how others affect you, what you let in, and where setting boundaries is essential.
Eclipses come in pairs! The 2nd eclipse is a ‘Ring of Fire’ Solar Eclipse on October 2nd at 10 degrees Libra, inspiring us to bring our relationships back into balance and harmony.
Full SuperMoon in Pisces/Sun in Virgo
This Full Moon is a SuperMoon! A SuperMoon is a Full Moon that occurs at the same time that the Moon is closest to the Earth in its monthly elliptical orbit.
If you’re feeling moody, hypersensitive, a bit lofty and unstable now, you’re not alone because this Full Moon is in the emotional and mystical sign of Pisces, and our emotions and imaginations are being stimulated. There’s also an increased intuitive sensitivity to spiritual energies. You may notice that your psychic abilities are enhanced, and your dreams are more stirring.
Dreams are messages from your subconscious and will often include spiritual guidance. The messages may be clear, or they may take some time to understand. Keep a journal on your nightstand, so you can record and monitor your dreams. Your journal will be instrumental in interpreting and gaining the most benefits from your dreams.
The energy of the Sun in Virgo is functional and service-orientated, with attention to details, organization, health, dietary needs and cleanliness. Since the Moon is in the opposite sign of the Sun, we may experience greater awareness of different points of view, and possible conflicts surrounding diet, health protocols, work and service. It is best to consider these different points of view carefully and find the balance that works best for you.
Pluto is in Capricorn for the last time.
When a planet achieves 29 degrees of a sign, it has evolved to the mastery level of expression of that sign. Then it will be reborn into the next sign.
Pluto is now at 29 degrees Capricorn and will remain there until November 19, 2024. It will then move into Aquarius where it will be for the next 20 years. We will not experience Pluto in the sign of Capricorn again until the year 2255.
Grand Trine in the element of Earth.
This Full Moon includes a profound Grand Trine configuration in the element of earth. This includes the planet Uranus (in Taurus); Sun (in Virgo); and Pluto (in Capricorn). The earth element gives us practical solutions for healing and wellbeing. This Grand Trine is very helpful to awakening higher consciousness.
For those who are seeking spiritual evolution, this alignment will support insights and clarity. Pluto is at a peak position in this Grand Trine and provides support for major breakthroughs and transformations in our personal and collective evolution. Uranus combines with the Sun and Mercury to bring insights and clarity for Humanity. (See the triangle in purple.)
Along with this Full Moon, is a powerful T-Square Configuration, (see the figure in red) including the Sun, Mercury, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter and Neptune. This T-Square provides awareness of the collective problems (karma) that will lead Humanity to an enlightened understanding, and functional solutions, to the deceptions and confusions that have plagued our world.
At this time of profound world changes and upsets, it is critical that each one of us cultivates a relationship with our Higher Self. This involves being committed to a regular spiritual practice that connects us with our Divinity and opens the doorway for our intuition to guide and inspire us.
Developing this personal relationship takes time and effort, like any committed and loving relationship does. Good results come in time with persistent right practice.
In closing, take advantage of this Eclipse Season to open; expand and receive the abundance the universe is offering you.
In Love & Light,
Govinda & Samadhi